Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Horrible Day

What a nasty day! I go into school on time like usual (1 o'clock) and they call me into the guidance office. Mr.Harrigan was there to tell me the news. I'd been kicked out of school for some nonsense like fighting, cutting class, smoking, swearing, etc... Normally I wouldn't mind too much but he told me I must attend Cleveland now. Cleveland is one of those schools for the insanely bad kids. Whatever I just won't go and the Youth Detention Center takes awhile to catch a skipper. I decided to go to Patty's bus stop after awhile to see her shining face. She completely ignored me until I grabbed her. She was furious about the kegger I went to last night and all the girls I "talked" too. I tried my best to explain but nothing worked, she was gone.

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