Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Fight

I love fights. The whole idea of them makes me fired up. I wish the gangs never broke up, that would have been the life.
Biff tried taunting me at first but it didn't affect me. Every fight starts with trash talk. All of a sudden he pulled out a knife. No one told me to bring a weapon? Luckily someone brought a bike chain or I'd have been killed. Biff, being himself, tried getting a cheap strike off when my back was turned. I was ready, tripped him and got his neck with the chain. We rumbled for awhile until the Motorcycle boy showed up. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, he's back! Biff stabbed me when I was looking at the Motorcycle boy, what a cheap cat. I couldn't see or hear much of anything, but I remember the Motorcycle boy snapping Biff's wrist and Biff crying.

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